Dive Center in La Palma

Buceo Isla Bonita is a family dive center located on the coast of Fuencaliente, the southern tip of La Palma that offers dives in the best spots on the island. Come and discover the impressive variety of underwater volcanoes in the Cumbre Vieja system, populated by striking biodiversity. Our hallmark is attention and good service.

We are a SSI Dive Center

We are proud to offer an exceptional and safe experience in the fascinating world of diving. Our commitment to SSI (Scuba School international) quality and safety standards distinguishes us as a reliable and professional center for those who wish to explore the exciting world of diving and underwater life. Being a center with international SSI certification is synonymous of guarantee and professionalism. Immerse yourself with us and discover an aquatic universe full of unforgettable adventures and exciting discoveries in a setting as spectacular and privileged as the seabed of the Island of La Palma, “la isla bonita”

Come dive with us

Professionalism, protection of the marine environment and love for teaching are the pillars of this family diving center in which we want you to become another member of the family.

bucear en la palma

We offer a wide range of diving activities

We offer a wide range of services from SSI certified diving courses or guided dives to activities for couples or families such as the snorkeling tour. Don’t have any diving experience? Try diving with us, in a safe environment and with the supervision of our instructors. We have activities for all levels of diving. Call us, we will be happy to assist you.