Best volcanic diving in La Palma

Certified diver

If you are a certified diver and you want to dive in La Palma this is your dive center in Fuencaliente, land of volcanoes, on the southern tip of the “isla bonita” (beautiful island), 10 minutes from the best dive sites on both the East and West coasts. Dives for all levels.

Come and discover the volcanic bottoms of La Palma. Our dive center is located on the coast, at sea level, allowing us to return between dives to change tanks without worrying about altitude, enjoy the facilities and have a hot coffee or tea with cookies to change dive sites. Once you arrive at the dive center, we take care of all the logistics and transportation.

Where to dive in La Palma?

The dives are from shore and the best sites in the south of La Palma are about 5-15 minutes from the dive center offering a striking variety of formations at such a short distance. We have dives for all levels of certification and we are only 5 minutes from the famous Malpique Crosses and its tower. The volcanic formations are from different eras resulting in different levels of erosion. From the basalt columns of millenary eruptions that, eroded, make it possible to distinguish the hexagonal crystallizations in Malpique or El Faro, to the pillow lava of the eruption of San Antonio in Las Cabras or Los Molinos or the recent lava flows of the Teneguía that are only 50 years old. The volcanic formations of Fuencaliente, part of the Cumbre Vieja system, do not disappoint. 

The heavy black sands usually mean beautiful visibility and bottoms fertilized during all the successive eruptions offer a wide marine biodiversity. Multiple species of rays such as stingrays, butterfly rays, eagle rays, a wide variety of both tropical and Atlantic fish such as trumpet fish, parrot fish, flounders, shoals of grunts, black moray eels, pufferfish and even black coral at only 30 meters of depth. 

Contact us to book and for more information about our schedules and departures.

école de plongée la palma
Submarinismo La Palma
Turismo activo La Palma
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école de plongée Fuencaliente de La Palma