Discover La Palma bottoms on a family tour

Snorkeling tour

Do you prefer the surface? Get the most out of your mask and snorkel with a snorkeling La Palma tour guided by a dive professional to learn all about the marine fauna and flora of the shores of Fuencaliente.

Get to know the sea bottoms of La Palma from the surface. Learn how to use mask, snorkel and fins. This activity is ideal for families and can be done from 6 years old. We meet at our diving center where we gear up with a wetsuit, mask, snorkel and fins and head to a protected bay in the Fuencaliente area that we choose each day depending on the weather conditions. The best spots are located 5-15 minutes from our dive center, being able to go to both the West and East coasts, to make sure that the conditions on the surface are suitable for snorkeling.

How is a tour of snorkeling in La Palma?

The tour guide carries a lifebuoy with him at all times in case a participant needs to rest for a bit. The guided tour in the water lasts around 50 minutes, but you must calculate around two hours from the time you arrive. Book your snorkel trip in La Palma with us and discover the biodiversity of the Fuencaliente coast.

The volcanic bottoms of the “isla bonita” (beautiful island, called this way for being the most beautiful of the Canary islands) and its black sand usually lead to clear waters that allow us to observe the biodiversity that inhabits the lava flows of Teneguía volcano, San Antonio and other volcanoes of the Cumbre Vieja system that formed the beautiful underwater landscape of La Palma. We need a minimum of two participants to run the tour but keep our groups small and personable to ensure that you get a full experience and learn from your guide.  Come and enjoy a nice activity for the whole family by booking your snorkeling tour with us. Booking in advance is required.